Team 1 wb 12.10.20

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 3:49pm

Team 1 wb 12.9.20 

This week Team 1 celebrated Maths Day by trying to answer the question ‘is space travel possible without maths?’ We received a letter from Rocket, the main character in our class text, asking us to help her design a rocket to launch her into space. We worked out that without maths we made the rocket too small. By comparing our heights to Rocket’s height, we worked out how tall to make her rocket. Excellent thinking, Team 1! 

We also planned a countdown from 20 to 0 to launch Rocket’s rocket. Without maths this would be impossible as the hundreds of people it needs to launch the rocket would all press their buttons at different times, so again maths was needed. 

In our text, Rocket goes to see a meteor shower. We reconstructed a meteor shower and counted how many passed over our heads. I wonder if the children can remember the number they counted up to? 

In English this week we have been focussing on writing sentences with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We met an astronaut and asked them questions about space. We wrote down some of their answers. Did you know astronauts drink their water from bags in space? 

In PE we began a new unit of multi-skills. The children ran, skipped, hopped and jumped their way through the lesson and much fun was had while keeping fit. 

In our independent learning this week, we made rockets by cutting out 2d shapes, drew story maps, learned songs and performed to the rest of the class, and wrote instructions for an obstacle course. Phew, we definitely need a rest this weekend! 

We hope you all enjoy your weekend and look forward to seeing the children next week for the last week of half term. Don’t forget to bring in a decorated pumpkin next week if you’d like to enter the school competition. 

See you all on Monday! 

Mrs Weeks and Miss Thomas.