Team 1 wb 18.10.21

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 12:39pm

Well, Team 1, we have made it to the end of our first half term! We are so proud of how well you have all adapted to the new academic year, and to the learning in key stage 1. Your confidence has grown, your independence is blossoming, and we have enjoyed all of our wonderful learning.

We began our week with a whole school maths day answering the question ‘is space travel possible without maths?’ We decided that it is not possible, as we would not be able to build the rocket without knowing the mathematical language of 2d shapes. We built our own rocket and used comparative language to describe if we were taller or shorter than the rocket.

We had a meteor show, practising counting forwards and backwards to 20, and decided that a rocket launch simply could not happen if we couldn’t say the countdown from 10 to 0.

In English this week we wrote our own penguin fact books. We discovered new facts from other books which we put into our own words, and we are now all authors!

In our independent learning there was a very autumnal feel, with pumpkins to dig out, leaves, conkers and chestnuts to discover, and a range of crafts taking place to celebrate the season.

We finished our week with a pyjama party in mouse mania, and the chance to decorate (and eat) a gingerbread person. Yum!

Team 1, have a wonderful half term break. Some of you have told us your exciting plans for the week and we look forward to hearing all about your adventures on your return. Don’t eat too many sweets on Halloween…….

Mrs Weeks, Mrs Butters and Miss Evans.