Team 1 Wb 27.1.20

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 4:34pm

This week we have had a strong focus on Maths, in particular number bonds (to 10 and 20) and how we can use our knowledge of 10 to tackle trickier calculations.


We have been editing the story we are writing based on “The Lion Inside”. We have been reading our sentences back and checking they make sense.


In Science we have been looking at different flowering plants, from lilies to lavender, holly hocks to honeysuckle. We drew an imaginary garden of all the flowers we would like to grow. There were some very ambitious plans.


Finally, thank you for the support you are giving to your children. It is making a real difference to their learning. I have had several children come to me saying “I have been practising my numbers at home”. It really does have a big impact on their work.


Have a fantastic weekend and We look forward to seeing you next week.

Mrs Caroe