Team 1 Wb 28.1.19

Date: 2nd Feb 2019 @ 9:22pm

Team 1 had a great week this week and we especailly enjoyed the snow on Wednesday! 

This week in maths, we have been adding by counting on on a number line. In English, we have started reading our new text 'The Lion Inside' and have been learning to write and punctuate questions. We have been coming up with some great questions that we would like to ask the main characters- Lion and Mouse. 

We used a safety smart clip to continue our e-safety discussions, focusing on making sure that we understand to never give out personal information online. 

In RE, we discussed special events which happen in a Church- Weddings and Christenings. Some of us brought in photos to share and after our discussion we wrote some sentences about these special events. 

Well done Team 1! See you all on Monday! :) 

Mrs Holbrook :)