Team 1 Wb 3.2.20

Date: 9th Feb 2020 @ 1:24pm

We really grappled with Maths this week! We used our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us to add on a number line past 10.


In English we completed our stories based on our class text “The Lion Inside”.


We discussed internet safety this week. We made a list of all the devices we use to get on the internet, we thought about the places we sit when we go on the internet. We decided, we should always tell an adult where we are going on the internet and we should always be in the same room as an adult when we go on the internet.


In Science we talked about how animals adapt themselves to survive winter. We talked about animals such as whales and butterflies that migrate to warmer places. We talked about animals that change by growing thicker fur or the arctic fox that turns white in order to camouflage in the snow. I think we all liked the idea of hibernation though, eating lots of food in the autumn and finding a nice warm place to sleep through the cold weather like hedgehogs and dormice do.


In RE we looked at different places we belong “I belong to brownies” “I belong to Horn’s Mill Primary”. We sorted pictures into places we belong and places we don’t belong. We looked at the different symbols these places use to represent themselves and created our own symbol to represent us.

Have a fantastic weekend and We look forward to seeing you next week.

Mrs Caroe