Team 1 Wb 7.5.19

Date: 12th May 2019 @ 1:23pm

Well Team 1 made us very proud this week when they performed their class assembly for you all on Thursday morning! They were amazing (and so much louder than they were in rehearsals!) Their singing brought a tear to a few eyes too (including some of the staff!) Well done Team 1- you were amazing! 

This week, whilst rehearsing for our assembly, we have also been finishing off our science unit on plants by looking at different types of trees and discussing ways in which each of us is special in RE. Team 1 took part in a great e-safety session this week too when they were able to talk confidently and maturely about how they can make sure they stay safe online. 

Well done Team 1, for another great week!

See you on Monday!

Mrs Holbrook :)