Team 2 w 30.11.12

Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 1:53pm

What a busy week it has been! We have tried really hard in our phonics screen this week and have been busy recording acting and singing for our Christmas story. We can’t wait for you to see it!

In maths, we have continued to work on addition and subtraction within 20 in different representations including bar models and on blank number lines. We have looked at how the calculations are linked. For example, if 4+16=20, then 20-16=4.

We have begun whole class spelling lessons this week, which we will now do every afternoon as well as Ready Steady Read in the mornings. We have been reviewing our skills from this half-term this week of using noun phrases and the conjunctions ‘and’ and ‘because’ ready to do a big, end of topic write next week.

We have also really enjoyed Geography this week as we set out to find trolls hidden around school. We looked at sketch maps and compared these to aerial views of school. We took our knowledge and drew our own sketch maps of school and then used this do go and find the trolls! When we found them, we had to mark them on our maps.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Delaney