Team 3 wb 20.09.21

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 6:51pm



Team 3 have had a brilliant week this week.  They have been so busy!

In Maths, they have been continuing with their place value work and comparing numbers.  They have worked hard discussing and explaining why numbers are larger or smaller and ordering them.

In English, we have started reading our new book, 'Counting on Katherine' by Helaine Becker.  We have enjoyed studying and creating our own expanded noun phrases and applying these in our writing.  From Katherine's point of view the children created some thoughtful questions that they throught she would have asked.

During our RE lesson we wrote letters describing what we did and what we learnt on our Holi day.  They have blown our socks away by how much they have remembered and how much they wrote!  Well done Team 3!

They have continued to be enthralled with their Art lessons, where they have been exploring mixing colours.

In PE, we have continued with our team building games, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed.

We said goodbye to Rev. Green this week when he came for one last assembly.  We will hold all of our memories with him in our hearts forever.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.



Everyone in Team 3