Team 4 Wb 15.3.21

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 4:29pm

Here is a little summary of what Team 4 have been up to this week.

In English we have been using conjunctions to write longer sentences. This is a really tricky skill to grasp but the children have demonstrated excellent effort with this and completed some lovely pieces of writing in their learning journeys.

In maths, we have been thinking about the skills of estimation and how this can help us with addition and subtraction. This is such a useful and practical skill but it relies upon a fair amount of prior knowledge. In addition, we have started our learning about Census Day. The children found out what the census is and why we need to have it. We are going to have our own Census Day in school on Monday and Team 4 are collecting data about sporting activities that we take part in. We are looking forward to digging deeper into the collected data next week.

We have continued with our learning about the continents of the world and made a little book about these. We made the little book out of a single sheet of paper and it was good fun learning how to do this too! In PE we continued our learning about invasion games and practised some good defence and attacking strategies. We also enjoyed a lovely Mouse Mania on Friday where some children chose to speak about something special to them.


Have a wonderful weekend everybody.