Team 4 Wb 16.11.20

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 5:40pm

It has been fantastic to have Team 4 back this week as we really have missed them. Many of them literally skipped into school on Wednesday and I think we all agreed that it felt great to be back J


Of course, we were back straight into learning on Wednesday and this week our focus has been on learning about the Hindu celebration of Diwali.


Team 4 have based their reading and English learning more about the Diwali festival, developing an understanding of Hindu Gods and Goddesses and considering the story of Rima and Sita. We even practised our sketching skills and drew our favourite Hindu God. We have also been applying our English sentence work in descriptions about a chose Hindu God.


In maths, we have started to learning about rounding and the children have completed fluency and reasoning tasks related to this. This is always a tricky area, but we have made progress and we will be continuing with this next week. We also wanted to mention that the times tables scores have been pretty impressive this week too – well done Team 4. Keep it up!


Today we have had a really colourful and fun filled day. The children absolutely embraced the Diwali dance workshop this afternoon and it was a fabulous experience. We then enjoyed taking part in an outdoor, socially distanced whole school dance!


Finally, before we sign off, we would like to thank all of the families for all of your hard work and support over the isolation period. We have been blown away by the home learning. Have a wonderful weekend everybody.