Team 4 Wb 4.3.24

Date: 9th Mar 2024 @ 1:32pm

What another busy week we have had in Team 4!

In our English learning this week, we started reading our new class book 'When The Giant Stirred'. This links to our new theme for this half term which is all about 'Volcanoes'. You can find the link to the Spring Home Learning document here  Once we had read the first page of the book, we explored what the island was like and then practised using a range of descriptive skills in order to bring our writing to life in the reader's mind. We then created our own setting description of the island applying these skills.


In our math's learning, we completed our unit on graphs and applied our knowledge and understanding of bar graphs and line graphs to everyday problems we might encounter. We used our understanding of how to read and tackle word problems in order to solve some complex two-step word problems. We also continued learning our times tables and we completed our weekly times table challenge. This week, our new TT Rockstars Battle started with Team 3. Each child in Team 4 has been asked to complete 10 minutes a day on TT Rockstars in order to help Team 4 win again! If you have any issues logging in, please contact me.


In our afternoon learning, we continued reading our class novel Varjak's Paw and the children have thoroughly enjoyed listening to Varjak's adventures! In RE, the children continued learning about the Christian faith, in circle time we discussed what makes a good friend and in PE we continued learning how to hold new balances in our bridges unit.

Just a couple of reminders:

  1. Please ensure reading records and books are brought back into school on Monday so they can be checked and swapped.
  2. Mouse Mania this coming Friday (15th March) is school IPads and laptops so the children do not need to bring anything in with them.
  3. Monday and Wednesday is Parent's Evening for Team 4. Please check the communications from the office via School Spider as they have sent out all of the information about how to book an appointment slot etc.

Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!

Mr L