Team 4 Wb 6.6.22

Date: 11th Jun 2022 @ 9:53am

What a busy week we have had in Team 4!

In our spelling learning this week, we have been learning a range of new homophones. You can support this learning in at home by practising the following words:







In our English learning this week, we have been busy writing thing, say feel diagrams for how the islanders felt having to leave their home due to the impending eruption of the volcano. We have also recapped our learning about apostrophes for singular and plural posession and applied this to a range of given sentences. If you would like to support this learning at home, pop to the local library and borrow the book 'When The Giant Stirred' and read it with your child which is our class text.

In maths, we continued practising our times tables in preperation for the Multiplication Tables Check we will be completing in the next two weeks.

Don't forget we have our poetry recital on Tuesday so your child needs to learn a poem to recite to the class and also it is Sport's Day on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!