Team 5 w/b 15.10.17

Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 5:08pm

This week's blog is written by Oscar!


In Team 5 this week…

In Maths, this week we have been learning about adding and taking away using Roman numerals and using function machines, as well as learning about the hungry crocodile to compare numbers.

In English, this week we have been learning about subordinate clauses as well as proofreading and editing different pieces of work.

In Science, this week we have been finishing of our life cycle of dog information leaflets.

We also had a special visitor in talking about how we are all different on Tuesday.  He spoke to us about No Outsiders and read us a book about a mouse who was made fun of because he wanted to wear different things.



Next week’s Mouse Mania is Woodlands and Electronics and will be on Thursday instead of Friday due to the class trip.

Have a wonderful weekend!