Team 5 WB 18.10.21

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 4:37pm

Team 5 have had another fantastic week.

In English, we have completed our non-chronological reports about black heroes. We have also talked about a range of prefixes and tried to include words with prefixes into our writing.

In maths, we have continued to revisit some shape work. Children should now be able to name many common 2D and 3D shapes and talk about their properties. We have embedded our understanding of this learning with lots of hands on opportunities, which has been fun.

We hope that the children have also started talking about the Team 5 assembly. We have been looking at a script together in class and each child should now know whether they have a speaking part or not. All children will have an important role in the assembly, whether it is centre stage or behind the scene. We will look forward to putting it all together after the half term.

We have been delighted to welcome back more and more of the Year 5 team who have previously been isolating. Of course we are still missing a few people and we continue to think of them and wish them a speedy and safe recovery.

Again, I would like to thank all of the children for their continued enthusiasm and hard work for the entire half term and in particular the last two weeks. We really do have a very special group of children who continue to make this job very enjoyable and worthwhile. We hope that all of our children and their families have chance for a well-earned rest over half term.

Take care,

Mrs Hughes and Miss Foster