Team 5: w/b 20.6.16

Date: 25th Jun 2016 @ 9:13am

Like others in the school, this week was the final 'test week' in Team 5.

The children worked really hard to draw together all of their learning and there was a sense of relief when the tests were done!

Additionally to this, we practised for District Sports. Similarly to Sports Day practise, the children enjoyed taking part in the different events.

As you will know, this week was extremely important for British politics. Within Team 5, we discussed and debated the pros and cons of staying in / leaving the EU. All of the children were keen to offer their opinion, and many were able to justify their opinion with evidence that they had heard either in school or from parents. It was really interesting to hear their views, and I was proud of the fact that they considered the whole situation extremely important. If the younger generation possess similar views and strengths to Team 5, the future looks bright!

This week we also continued with our persuasive letter writing unit, considering how to flatter the reader. We also began to innovate and planned to write our own letter. The children also had a go at self assessment and peer assessment on Friday -having a go at being the teacher and marking pieces of work! They then compared their marking with my own.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and see you all next week!


Miss Martin