Team 5 WB 29.11.21

Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 5:46pm

This week seems to have really flown by! Here's a short summary of what we have done.

In English, we have continued to explore our text Queen of the Falls and the children have found out more about our main character and her decision to go down Niagara Falls in a barrel. Today, we put our report writing skills to the test to write about Annie Edson Taylor’s arrival at Niagara Falls ahead of her dare-devil stunt!

In maths we have had a big focus on addition and subtraction. Many of us have really enjoyed this area of learning but there has certainly been a level of challenge too. We will continue with this next week.

The children had a super art morning on Wednesday and worked with Mrs Caroe on some work for their Christmas books. Next week we will be starting to do some writing for these but we won’t say too much more on this just yet!

We loved watching the Y1 and Y2 performance today. The team 5 adults were so proud to hear our class talking so positively and passionately about what they had enjoyed and how well they thought the younger children had done. Team 5 were a brilliant audience and should be proud of themselves.


Thank you again for your kind donations for the raffle.

Have a lovely weekend everybody.