Team 6 20/05/16

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 1:14pm

This week Team 6 have been learning...


  • properties of geometric shapes and drawing triangles using compasses in mathematics.
  • to write a non-chronological report about energy (fossil fuels and alternative renewable sources of energy) in English.

The children have been continuing their learning after SATs in preparation for High School.

Team 6 started their Tuesday PPA sports afternoon with Premier Sports which the children thoroughly enjoyed!

We enjoyed our first attempt at Crown Green Bowling and look forward to continuing this skill each week.

Reminder: Team 6 Home Learning Challenge sharing morning is 8.40 - 10.30 next Friday 27th May. You can begin bringing in your Home Learning books and evidence of your challenges from Monday so we can set up on Thursday afternoon.

Have a great weekend


Mr Cunnington