Team 6 Wb 10.1.17

Date: 15th Jan 2017 @ 1:45pm

This week, in maths,  Team 6 have been focusing on fractions, we have learnt how to simplify and compare fractions. In our morning challenge time this week we have been practising arithmetic questions, as doing a little practise each day will help us do our very best at the end of the year. In English, we  completed our exciting wishing stories for our cold tasks and have published writing for our Pete's Dragon display.In addition to this we used balancing activities in PE to imagine what it would be like to tightrope walk above a city. We used the vocabulary we thought of to write kennings. This will also help us when we start our next class text. 

Congatulations to our Big Cheese, Luke Lee and to our raffle winner Bayleigh. We are all so excited for a new week. 

Written by Phoebe