Team 6 Wb 16.4.18

Date: 22nd Apr 2018 @ 6:36pm

I was really impressed with how Team 6 came back to school after the Easter break, they really have worked hard, tried their best and are showing an excellent attitude to their learning. 

As well as revision, we focused on finding percentages of numbers this week in maths, and understanding different types of words in English. In reading our focus was to ensure we are reading questions carefully and that we give full answers. 

Team 6 have also continued to show commitment and creativity in their Maypole dancing as we have been continuing to practise for our upcoming performance. We also showed a huge amount of creativity and commitment this week when we were lucky enough to take part in a dance workshop based on 'This is me' from 'The Greatest Showman'- Team 6, you were amazing! 

We also started preparing for high school this week, when our buddies came to talk to us. We were able to ask them lots of questions about life at Helsby High! Team 6 showed a really mature attitude, whilst asking questions and listening to the answers. 

Well done Team 6, for a wonderful week! 

Mrs Holbrook :)