Team 6 Wb 2.7.18

Date: 8th Jul 2018 @ 9:14pm

Team 6 have been working on various projects this week. Our main focus has of course, been continuing our rehearsals for our end of Year porduction!

We have also taken part in a transition project, to help us practise some of the skills we will need when we go to high school. We were each given a little planner with a two-week timetable in it. We have been practising reading the timetable and writing down things we need to bring in each day. 

In English this week, we have been writing about 'My Time at Horn's Mill' and we are looking forward to sharing our writing with our parents then they receive our end of year reports! 

In Geography this week, we learnt about the 8 points of the compas and used OS maps to plan routes. We also compared these to google maps and planned our routes to high school! 

Well done Team 6, for another wonderful week- only two more to go! Where does the time go?

See you on Monday!

Mrs Holbrook :)