Team 6 Wb 22.5.17

Date: 28th May 2017 @ 5:38pm

What a busy week we've had in Team 6! The majority of our week was spent running our Pound for Profit week. Team 6 planned for this and organised themselves really well throughout the week. We have kept our accounts and after half term we will be able to combine these and find out grand total! Well done Team 6, you worked really well as a team and collaborated effectively to run your stalls. 

In English, we have been reading more of King Kong, and writing information texts and newspaper reports. To end a busy half term we spend a well-earned, fun morning with our Reception buddies at Helsby Park on Friday as our end of half-term treat. Well done everyone for a wonderful half term. 

Have a good break and see you in a week for your last half term at Horn's Mill! 

Mrs Holbrook :)