Team 6 Wb 25.6.18

Date: 30th Jun 2018 @ 10:10am

This week Team 6 have continued to practise our end of Year production. I am very impressed with the number of children who already know their lines! Well done Team 6! The stage has gone up now, so next week will be our main week of rehearsals. 

On Tuesday, we took Team 6 to a Crucial Crew event in Northwich. We took part in several different safety workshops around different themes such as being a responsibe dog owner, railway safety, healthy life-styles, hate crime, road safety and first aid, Once again, Team 6 made us very proud as they gave mature and enthusiastic conbributions, and showed excellent manners. 

This week in English, we have been finishing writing the stories we have been working on, as well as writing about our memories of Primary School. 

Well done Team 6- you had a great week in rather high temperatures!

See you on Monday! 

Mrs Holbrook :)