Team 6 wb 25.9.23

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 7:15pm

This week in Team 6, we have started a new subject in maths called Mixed Operations. We learnt about the order that you solve the equation in. We use BODMAS (brackets, order, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction) to remember the order.

In English we’ve been learning about expanded noun phrases and we used our current English class text (Star of Fear, Star of Hope) to write about.

On Wednesday, we had a very exciting zoom call with Jennifer Killick (our current class text author) where we talked about Crater Lake. We shared some questions and played some of the games she had invented. It was ace!

In DT this week, we learnt about food rations and the amounts of different foods that you would get during WW2. We measured out some of the amounts and in the end it was surprising how little there was.

On Thursday afternoon, we celebrated European Day of Languages, where we learnt Welsh and French. A guest came in from Helsby High who taught French. We learnt about how the French celebrated Day of the Dead, where they went on a sweet or spell hunt and in the end we all got lollipops!

It's been a busy week full of learning. Enjoy the weekend. 

Ruby T