Team 6 Wb 5.6.17

Date: 10th Jun 2017 @ 6:24pm

At the start of this week Team 6 focused on applying their suspense writing skills to write a new short story based on a video clip.They really impressed me with their dedication and their efforts to apply all the skills they have learnt this year!

We started our project work in preparation for The Cheshire Show (more details this week). The Theme this year is 'Animals and Us: Can we live together and how do we achieve it?' We discussed this theme and started to come up with ideas. We then had an art morning with Mrs Turnbill to start our art which will go on display at the show. I must say, the end results are going to be fantasic! We will be carrying on with this on Monday and Friday next week as well as preparing the other activities for our stall. 

We got to take part in a 'Scales and Trails' workshop on Wednesday afternoon as well as doing some science (including some planting) with Mrs Hughes on Thursday. 

Well done Team 6!

Mrs Holbrook