Team 6: wb 5.7.21

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 7:08pm

I can't believe we are at the end of another week and have only 1 week left of term.

We've been busy this week in Team 6 performing our production. Thanks to all of you for coming to watch - it was great to have an audience, albeit a small one! Team 6 were incredible during each performance and I was so proud of them. Even though it has been tiring, each one of them has really enjoyed themselves!

Also this week, we have created PowerPoint presentation for Team 5, informing them about what their last year will be like. We will share these with T5 next week. 

We continued with our art project this week: creating lighter and darker tones. We had a go at painting our own versions of one of Banksy's paintings. 

We finished the week with a party. Thanks to all the families who brought in cakes - we had a real treat and have some left over for our bbq on Monday!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and let's hope we return to school on Monday after an England win!!!