Team 6 Wb 8.5.18

Date: 13th May 2018 @ 9:10am

Team 6 have continued to work incredibly hard this week, preparing for their End of Key Stage Assessments (SATS) next week. They continue to show excellent commitment and determination and are making us very proud. They could not be doing more! 

Team 6 also had their first swimming lesson this week, and again, showed excellent behavior and craftsmanship. We enjoyed some freetime in Mouse Mania this week, and have chosen to play benchball next week. 

A reminder that Team 6 can come into school at 8:20 this week (Monday to Thursday) for our SATS breakfast, and will be having a party lunch on Thursday before going swimming. 

Well done Team 6, 

See you on Monday, 

Mrs Holbrook :)