Team 6 Wk 6.9.16- What a Fantastic Start!

Date: 9th Sep 2016 @ 1:34pm

I honestly cannot tell you how well Team 6 have done this week. They have blown me away with their attitude to their learning and to each other. They really are going to be fantasic role models to the rest of the school! 

This week we have written about our hopes and dreams for the future, we have written a persuasive letter requesting a class job and have had a go at writing a suspense story ready for our English next week. We have warmed up with our maths ready for next week too! We have been creating dream catchers and publishing our writing, which will join the fantasic art work we did on Transition Day on our display in the cloakroom. 

Everyone has given their learning their all this week, and have really put in effort to make sure that their writing is the best it can be! It certainly has impressed me! 

Thanks Team 6, for a wonderful week! See you on Monday!

Mrs Holbrook

P.S Make sure you check out Team 6's class blog next week which will be written by our newly appointed Class Reporters!