Team 2 wb 28.6.21

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 4:41pm

Who can believe it's July already! 

This term is really flying past and how much fun it has been! This week we have been very excited about the nature around school and how we can create more nature friendly environments. In science, we had a great lesson in the woodlands exploring different habitats and identifying the creatures that we found. We particularly enjoyed looking through the magnifying glasses at lots of creepy crawlies!

In English we have been learning why it is important to look after nature and designed our own bee friendly gardens which we then used to write instructions applying our adjectives and adverbs. I think there will be lots of people making bee hotels at home this weekend!

In maths we have begun work on fractions, learning all about halves and quarters of shapes and amounts and will continue with this topic until the end of term. 


Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Delaney