Week 1 - 07.09.18

Date: 8th Sep 2018 @ 7:52pm

We have had a fabulous start to what is going to be an amazing year. The children of Team 2 burst through the door, full of energy and motivation to learn. We were all very excited to share our news about the holidays and this helped us produce brilliant writing. I was very impressed with the high-quality attitude, focus and commitment each child has shown towards their work this week and this certainly sets us off on a very good path for the rest of the year!  
This week, we have discussed the importance of being a good class councillor and will be holding our speeches next week. The children will then vote for their class councillors who will join the school council.   
Home learning has now been set and handed out in their home learning books. I would really appreciate if you could encourage your child to bring a piece in every Wednesday so we can celebrate their achievements in class too.  
Reading is a huge priority in Team 2, I have asked each child to pick their favourite book from our library and asked them to share it with you over the weekend. We strongly encourage all of our children to read every night. This really helps to develop their writing, spelling and fluency in reading.  Please make a note of all reading in the children’s reading record as this contributes to their reading challenges in school and could even help them win prizes!  
I am really proud of the children in Team 2 for making such a wonderful start to the year.  I appreciate all of your support and know we are going to have an amazing year together, which I am very much looking forward too.  
If you have any questions or just want a chat about your child’s learning, you are always very welcome to pop in.  

Have a great weekend and see you all Monday!  
Mr Oldfield.