Week 22- 15.02.19

Date: 28th Feb 2019 @ 1:44pm

Fantastic end to the half term!

The children continue to work super hard this school year and they have not let the excitement of a week off next week get in the way of keeping focussed and working super hard. We have completed a lot of assessment work in SPaG this week and the children are working brilliantly.

In maths, we have continued to have lots of fun with ‘lots of’ and develop our skill of multiplying in 2s. We have also completed numerous ‘check its’ this week to ensure we are retaining the skills and knowledge from previously taught parts of the curriculum.  

In guided reading we have been developing our retrieval skills and have worked super hard to ensure we read and answer questions thoroughly.

Great half term Team 2 go and have a lovely, safe and exciting week away from school.


See you all after half term!


Mr Oldfield.