Wk/bg 30.04.18.

Date: 4th May 2018 @ 3:56pm

This week we welcomed in the month of May.  Excitingly, we watched other school teams dance enthusiastically around a Maypole.  We found out that the Maypole probably represents the tree of life and fertility.  Also, we were fascinated to find out that May traditions stem back to Roman times when they worshipped the Goddess Flora.  What a wonderful connection to our Roman topic.

Also this week, we have absolutley thrashed our learining about fractions.  The children are really beginning to understand the principles of dividing a whole into parts and how that can be represented.  The icing on the cake was their English this week where they were challenged to write a story to accompany a book called 'Tuesday' by David Weisner.  Well done Team Four.  Have a wonderful three-day break!